Have you tasted my double cheese burger?
Have you made a double cheese burger?
Have you eaten my double cheese burger?
My burger has lettuce,double cheese,tomato,onions,tomato sauce and patties.
My burger has a sesame seed bun at the top and a bun at the bottom.My burger is tasty. Get one-get two free.
I think children should eat Ice cream because it is really tasty and delicious.
Children should be allowed to eat ice cream because it has different kinds of great flavours, like strawberry,cookies and cream,vanilla, chocolate,hokey poky, caramel,mint and crunchy.
I think children should not be allowed to eat to much ice cream because it has to much sugar and sugar can rot your teeth.
Children should not be allowed to eat ice cream because make them stay up at night.
The most important thing that children should not eat ice cream because some people might be allergic to lollies.